Логотип Магариф уку

What role does the WorldSkills Championship play in the choice of working professions?

Юлия Николаевна СПОЛОХОВА, учитель английского языка Бурдинской средней школы Тукаевского районаПедагогический стаж – 19 летThere is no doubt that  WorldSkills  movement is gaining more and more stren...

Юлия Николаевна СПОЛОХОВА,
учитель английского языка Бурдинской средней школы Тукаевского района
Педагогический стаж – 19 лет
There is no doubt that  WorldSkills  movement is gaining more and more strength nowadays.   Popularity is growing, and the impact on the institutions of vocational education, the national qualifications system is increasing. The fact that Russia won the right to host the world championship WorldSkills Competition in 2019 in Kazan only fuels the public interest in this phenomenon.
As far as I am concerned the point is very actual today. In this essay I will try to look upon this issue. Modern educational standards are already aimed at the implementation of the competence approach in the training of specialists, which is based on the training of graduates who are able and ready to apply knowledge, skills and personal qualities for successful activity in a certain area.
In my opinion, at the WorldSkills championship of working professions, schoolchildren and students show their acquired professional skills in various fields of work, defend the honor of their educational organizations, make certain applications for the future and give an additional incentive for the further development of professional education. The participations in the WorldSkills Championships provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the best practices in professional qualification and career, allows to improve the status and quality of professional training, will promote competent career guidance, provide high-tech production with quality personnel.
I think that WorldSkills is the Olympics for the working hands. The WorldSkills embodies a variety of fields, skills, expertise, countries and regions from around the world. This diversity is combined in the classic WorldSkills logo and its “hand symbol” with characteristic colors — red, green, blue, yellow and black.
Additionally, I want to say that not every young man immediately manages to find his professional way: someone makes mistakes and changes his choice, and someone purposefully moves to the target and achieves great success, we are teachers and parents are guides to the adult world of our children. The class teacher plans extra-curricular work with students and their parents on professional orientation, through conversations, parent-teacher meetings and class hours, aimed at preparing for self-determination in the profession, where they are introduced to the "secrets" of choosing a profession ("I want-I can-I need»). " I want" - is the inclinations, desires, interests of the individual. Students from grade 1-9 receive a variety of information from parents, teachers, classmates and adults around them about professions and they form (or do not form) desires and interests. Analysis of the questionnaires allows students to give recommendations on what type of profession they choose: "man-man, man-sign system, man-nature, man-technology, man-artistic image." This work helps the student to determine what he can: "I can" - it is human capabilities. Conversations and class hours, where students make presentations about what professions, specialists are required in our village, city, region, form ideas about the needs of the labor market.
However, there exists another point of view on this issue. First of all, this financial cost, both for equipment and the job of trainers too, someone needs to teach. Besides, the result speaks not only about the personal professional qualities of the participants, but also about the level of training and the overall level of quality of services in the homeland of the participants.
To sum up, the contribution of the WorldSkills movement popularizes working professions  and becomes the fastest and most efficient system of distribution  of international professional standards throughout Russia.

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