Логотип Магариф уку

«A friendship cake»

(Для V-VII классов)Гульчачак АГЗЯМОВА, учитель английского языка  Кугарчинской средней общеобразовательной  школы  Рыбно-Слободского района Цели Социокультурный аспект: умение понимать систему ценност...

(Для V-VII классов)

Гульчачак АГЗЯМОВА, учитель английского языка  Кугарчинской средней общеобразовательной  школы  Рыбно-Слободского района


Социокультурный аспект: умение понимать систему ценностей, связанных с понятием дружбы, толерантности как высшего человеческого качества;

развивающий аспект: развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся в процессе продуктивной творческой деятельности,  развитие способности к выражению собственного мнения, развитие памяти, воображения, развитие умения работать в группе;

воспитательный аспект: воспитание уважения друг к другу, развитие умения анализировать нравственную сторону поступков, воспитание адекватного отношения к системе ценностей и нормам поведения других людей;

учебный аспект: формирование лексических навыков говорения.

Оборудование: проектор, компьютер, коржи для торта, крем для торта, ложки, подставка под торт, перчатки, головные уборы, шпажки, смайлы и др.

Ход мероприятия.


Good morning, girls and boys. How are you keeping today?

Pupils: We are fine. Thank you. And you?

Teacher: Cool! I am great today. I hope that we will spend time well. Firstly, I want you to greet each other and smile your friends. Because….

Smile can make a dark day brighter,(слайд1).

Smile can bring a rainbow to the skies...

Share your smile,

And it'll return to you more than once. (Музыка. Дети поют вместе с ведущим.)

Well done. You are super! And now we can start our unusual lesson. I can guess that it won’t be a lesson… We will have a party today. It’s great that we are together this day. It means that we have a chance to talk about something interesting.  Now I want to show you some pictures. Look at the screen, please. (Слайд 2) (На слайде картинки «друзья».) What can you see? Who are these people?

Pupils: Boys…




Techer: Great. You are right. They are friends. How can we name relationships between friends?

Pupils: Friendship.

Teacher: Yes, of course. Today we are going to speak about friendship. I think that it isn’t enough to know that friendship is certain relationships between people. It is necessary to understand what the foundation of a real friendship is.

Today we will do an interesting thing. It will be not only interesting but delicious work. Friendship can be “tasty”, too. Are you surprised?  I want to offer to make a friendship cake. I’ll be a chef, you will be the most talented cooks. Let’s start. There are caps and gloves for you. (Детям предлагаются перчатки и чепчики.)

Look at the table. You can see some ingredients for our cake: shortcakes (коржи), various kinds of cream. Every shortcake has its name. Read them please. (Каждый корж и крем имеет свое название. Они заранее подписываются.  Например, взаимопомощь, эгоизм, преданность, предательство, доверие, зависть, честность, доброжелательность, отзывчивость, надежность, уважение, терпеливость и т.д. Некоторые слова даются с переводом.)

Pupils: Mutual help, selfishness, devotion, betrayal, trust, envy, honesty, kindness, responsiveness reliability, respect, patience and so on.

Teacher: You should choose one of these shortcakes and one kind of cream.  But firstly, I would like you to play a scene. All of you know the Russian fairy tale “The Turnip”. (Ведущий распределяет роли и раздает заранее подготовленные маски. Далее ведущий читает сказку, а герои показывают сценку.) Once upon a time there lived an old man. One spring he sowed a turnip seed. (Выходит Дед и сажает репу.) The turnip has grown. The grandfather wants to eat it. He pulls and pulls but cannot pull it up! (Дед не может вытащить. Зовет бабушку.) The grandfather calls the grandmother.

Pupil 1: Grandma, come here, help me, please.

Teacher: The grandmother pulls the grandfather, the grandfather pulls the turnip. They pull and pull but cannot pull it up!

Teacher: The grandmother calls the granddaughter.

Pupil 2: Granddaughter, come here, help us, please.

Teacher: The granddaughter pulls the grandmother, the grandmother pulls the grandfather, the grandfather pulls the turnip. They pull and pull but cannot pull it up! The granddaughter calls the dog.

Pupil 3: Dog, dog, come here. Help us, please.

Teacher: The dog pulls the granddaughter, the granddaughter pulls the grandmother, the grandmother pulls the grandfather, the grandfather pulls the turnip. They pull and pull but cannot pull it up! The dog calls the cat.

Pupil 4: Cat, cat, come here… help us, please.

Teacher: The cat pulls the dog, the dog pulls the granddaughter, the granddaughter pulls the grandmother, the grandmother pulls the grandfather, the grandfather pulls the turnip. They pull and pull but cannot pull it up! The cat calls the mouse.

Pupil 5: Mouse, mouse, come here, help us, please.

Teacher: The mouse pulls the cat, the cat pulls the dog, the dog pulls the granddaughter, the granddaughter pulls the grandmother, the grandmother pulls the grandfather, the grandfather pulls the turnip. They pull and pull, and pull the turnip up!

Teacher: Well done, boys and girls. Now tell me, please. How could you pull the turnip out? Why couldn’t the grandfather pull the turnip out himself?

Pupils: He couldn’t pull the turnip out because he was alone and needed help.

Teacher: Excellent. Guess, please. If someone needs help and another person helps him, how can this quality be called? Find this word. (Ребята находят корж со словом «взаимопомощь».)

Pupils: Mutual help.

Teacher: Yes, I agree with you. Do you think that it is important to help each other in difficult situations? Why? Do you help you friends or classmates?

Pupils: Yes, of course. (Ребята выражают свои точки зрения.)

Teacher: Good of you. And the first layer (слой) of our friendship cake will be “mutual help”. What kind of cream we will smear (намазать) the first layer?

Ребята выбирают крем и намазывают первый корж. Например, «отзывчивость».

Teacher: Let’s continue our work. The second layer? What shortcake will you choose for the second layer, children? Perhaps, “envy”?

Pupils: No. It is not a good quality for a real friendship.

Teacher: I agree with you. Boys and girls, take your seats, please. On your tables there are “paper hands”. Take them, please. Now I want you to write some wishes for your neighbor who sits closer to your heart.  Your sentence must be started with words “I wish you…..”  (Ребята пишут свои пожелания на «бумажных ладошках».) And give them to your neighbors. They are helping hands which you always need. So keep them and remember that you have friends who wish you well and they are always ready to help.

Now you must know what quality of friendship we will choose for the second layer…

Pupils: It will be kindness.

Teacher: Good of you. I see that you are all well-wishing. And the second kind of cream will be…..

Pupils: Respect…

Teacher: Super! How do you think what is the last layer? I want to help you. There is a puzzle on your table.  Do the puzzle. This is an unusual picture. It has an important meaning. (Дети собирают пазл, получается картинка, ребятам нужно назвать еще одно качество дружбы в соответствии с картинкой.) What can you see in this picture? What can you say about their relationships?

Pupils: The cat trusts the dog…. (дети высказываются).

Teacher: Yes. We cannot speak about friendship without trust. It means that the last layer of our cake will be …

Pupils: “Trust”.

(На столе остаются только те коржи, которые названы отрицательными качествами друзей. Они остаются лишними.)

Teacher: Why didn’t you use these “qualities” for making our friendship cake?

(Ребята объясняют, почему они их не использовали.)

Teacher: Now our task is to decorate our cake. How do you want to decorate it?

(Заранее подготавливаются разные посыпки с названиями качеств настоящих друзей. Например, щедрость, доброта и т.д.)

Teacher: Wow! What a beautiful cake! Only your feelings and emotions missing!

(На столе лежат «смайлы», выражающие разные чувства и эмоции, они прикреплены к шпажкам, чтобы оформить торт дружбы до конца. Эта часть мероприятия является рефлексией. Украшая торт своими чувствами, ребята выговаривают вслух то, что они чувствуют, что им понравилось, а что нет.)

Teacher: Did you like making our friendship cake? I hope that now you know what important qualities every friend must have. Do you think that Russian and English people can be friends? Or Americans and French people?

(Ребята высказывают свои мнения. Дети должны понять, что таких препятствий, как раса, национальность, язык, для дружбы нет.)

 Thank you for your job. Our cake is magic. When you eat it, you will become the best friend for your best friend! Now let’s smile your friends.

(Звучит песня.)

Smile can make a dark day brighter, (на экране). (слайд4)

Smile can bring a rainbow to the skies...

Share your smile,

And it'll return to you more than once

Thank you very much. Bye!

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