Логотип Магариф уку

Gadgets: yes or no?

Тема: Гаджетлар: яманнан яхшыгаГульчачак АГЗЯМОВА,учитель английского языка, Кугарчинской средней школы Рыбно-Слободского района, педагогический стаж - 9 летThere are a lot of modern appliances in our...

Тема: Гаджетлар: яманнан яхшыга

Гульчачак АГЗЯМОВА,
учитель английского языка, Кугарчинской средней школы Рыбно-Слободского района, педагогический стаж - 9 лет

There are a lot of modern appliances in our modern life: a computer, a telephone, a tablet, a smartphone and so on. We cannot avoid using of these gadgets because it is the necessity of our century.

I am a teacher of English in the village school. Modern rural youth tries to keep up with the city one. Being a mother of two children, a class leader and a teacher of the English language, I can say that our future generation cannot live without gadgets. I always think of advantages and disadvantages of these innovations. I would like to say that there not only minuses but pluses, too.  We should learn to take something useful from them. It is necessary to use gadgets properly.

As I am a teacher, I want to give you my opinion about using gadgets in teaching English. Nowadays we often hear a popular word “gadget”. What is a gadget? It is a small device which is used to simplify the life of people. We can meet gadgets in different fields. For example, they can be used at school, too. It is impossible not to mention such gadgets as smartphones, tablets, MP3-players and many such other things. Smartphones are mobile phones which consist of the functions of a phone and a computer. E-books are also very popular gadgets now. As for me, gadgets really simplify not only everyday life but teaching process. Firstly, they allow us to do many interesting things in educational sphere. Secondly, they help to accelerate the presentation of training material. Thirdly, they give us an opportunity to diversify the types of activities in the lessons. For example, we have an interactive board in our classroom which is the main helper. I try to use it for showing videos, playing games, reading and so on. In recent times I have found a use of smartphones as well. Almost every student has a smartphone now. So I decided that I could use smartphones with benefit. There is a phone application “Kahoot” which allows not only to play  but create interesting thematic tests on English. It is useful thing for every teacher (see the website kahoot.com). I use this appliance maximum 10-15 minutes in a lesson but it helps to attract students to the subject of the lesson. This is not the only interesting thing for teachers and students.

As a class teacher, I use smartphone for fast communicating with my students and their parents. I created a chatting group for our class. There we can exchange news, information, discuss problems and something interesting. So a smartphone is the most important gadget in my profession.

As a mother, I can say that gadgets do not stay away at our home. My children are interested in smartphones and tablets, too. And I cannot forbid using them at all so I try to find useful games or learning videos which help me to bring up my children in the era of technological progress.

In conclusion, I want to say that we should manage to find not only bad sides of things but we must be able to benefit from them as much as possible.


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