Логотип Магариф уку


(физика, 9 класс)Применение элементов CLIL как средствоповышения мотивации учащихся на уроках физикиАлина ШАРИПОВА, учитель физики первой квалификационной категории МАОУ «Гимназия-интернат № 4» г...

(физика, 9 класс)
Применение элементов CLIL как средство
повышения мотивации учащихся на уроках физики
 учитель физики первой квалификационной категории
МАОУ «Гимназия-интернат № 4» г. Казани,
призер конкурса «Учитель года – 2019»
Приложение № 1. Карточки для экспериментальной работы в группах
First Group ‘Voltage

  1. Question: What can you do to increase the voltage?

  2. Materials: Two 1.5 volts cells, an ammeter, a voltmeter, a lamp, connecting wires.

  3. Procedure:

  4. Set up the circuit as shown. First of all, use only one 1.5 volts cell. Be sure that you connect the ammeter in series and voltmeter in parallel.

  5. Measure the voltage and current in the circuit.

  6. Add one more cell in series with the circuit, observe the change in current.

  7. Discussion: Does current increase as the voltage increases?

  8. Conclusion:

WORDLIST:   So    The     add     directly    more    or    same    that     voltage
To increase the _______, we can add ____ cells in series. ___ resistance stays the ____ because we didn’t ___ any more lams __ resistors. Current increases. __, we can conclude ____ electrical current is ________ proportional to voltage.
Second Group ‘Resistance

  1. Question: What can you do to increase the resistance?

  2. Materials: Three 1.5 volts cells, an ammeter, a voltmeter, three lamps, connecting wires.

  3. Procedure:

  4. Set up the circuit as shown. Use combination of three1.5 volts cells. Be sure that you connect the ammeter in series and voltmeter in parallel.

  5. Measure the voltage and current in the circuit.

  6. Add one more lamp in series with the circuit, observe the change in current.

  7. Add the last lamp in series with the circuit, observe the change in current.

  8. Discussion: Does current decrease as the resistance increases?

  9. Conclusion:

WORDLIST: To because electrical it lamps proportional voltage we
__ increase the resistance, __ can add more _____ in series. The _______ stays the same _______ we haven’t change __. Current decreases. So, __ can conclude that __________ current is inversely ____________ to resistance.
Third Group ‘Current

  1. Question: What can you do to change the current?

  2. Materials: Two 1.5 volts cells, an ammeter, a voltmeter, a lamp, a rheostat, connecting wires.

  3. Procedure:

  4. Set up the circuit as shown. Use combination of two 1.5 volts cells. Be sure that you connect the ammeter in series and voltmeter in parallel.

  5. Measure the voltage and current in the circuit.

  6. Turn slowly the slide of rheostat and note the brightness of the lamp and ammeter reading.


  1. Discussion: Does current change as the resistance increases or decreases?

  2. Conclusion:

WORDLIST: The    To     change     is      resistance       same     we    rheostat   device
A rheostat is a ______ which can change the amount of current flowing in a circuit.  __ change the current, __ changed the resistance by turning the slide of ________. ___ voltage stays the ____ because we haven’t ______ it. Electrical current __ inversely proportional to __________.
Приложение №2. Этап рефлексии (анкетирование учащихся по методике Н. П. Фетискина)
Lesson stages:

  1. Vocabulary exercise (Put the words in the correct order, Fill in the gaps, Matching)

  2. Homework check (Word search puzzles)

  • Experiment (Working in groups)

  1. Solving the problems (Ohm’s Law Triangle)


1.     Circle the stage when you were most interested in the lesson
2.     Circle the most difficult stage of the lesson for you
3.     Circle the stage when you were most effective?

Шарипова А_Презентация OHM’S LAW by Sharipova A.A.


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