Логотип Магариф уку

«Doing sport is a healthy habit»

Илина ФАХРАЗИЕВА,учитель английского языка Актанышской средней школы №1Тип урока: Урок актуализации знаний и уменийФорма урока: Фронтальная, парная, групповаяЦель урока: расширение и углубление коммун...

учитель английского языка Актанышской средней школы №1
Тип урока: Урок актуализации знаний и умений
Форма урока: Фронтальная, парная, групповая
Цель урока:
расширение и углубление коммуникативной компетенции, развитие навыков письма, аудирования и говорения, обеспечивающих устное общение в диалогической форме.
Задачи урока:
- вовлечь школьников в активную речевую деятельность на уроке путем использования различных организационных форм работы;
-  обеспечить активную деятельность каждого ученика в течение всего урока,
- максимально увеличить время говорения каждого школьника;
- закрепить навыки и умения учащихся в рамках изученной темы(произношение, активный запас фраз и речевых образцов, умения устного, активного и рецептивного речевого общения.
Методы обучения:Метод сотрудничества, коммуникативный метод, игровой метод
Планируемые результаты:
-метапредметные: готовность признавать возможность существования различных точек зрения и права каждого иметь свою; излагать свое мнение и аргументировать свою точку зрения и оценку событий;
-предметные: совершенствование навыка говорения через практику диалогической речи, развитие навыков аудирования, чтения, письма в рамках предложенной темы;
- личностные: осознание иностранного языка как средства международного межкультурного общения, сближающего людей, обеспечивающего дружеские контакты и деловое взаимодействие

  • Слайдшоу изображений по уроку

  • Раздаточный материал с заданиями

  • Видеозапись с диалогом

  • Видеозапись для физкультминутки


  1. Организационный момент.

Teacher: Hello my dear students!
Pupils: Hello!
I’m very happy to see you! Welcome to our English lesson. My name is … Before we start the lesson I want you to warm up. Ready? The task is very easy, just repeat the actions:
It’s time to think
It’s time to speak
It’s time to show
Ready, study, go!

  1. Введение темы урока

Teacher: Are you ready for the English lesson?
Students: Yeah!
Teacher: Perfect! Take a sit. I don’t know anything about you. Just your names. That’s why I want you break the ice and let me know some facts about you. The task is easy I’ll say what I like and if you like the same, you should say: “I like it too!”
I like ice cream! – And you? (Pupils answers)
I like to dance! – And you?
I like to speak English! – And you?
I like doing sport! – And you? – I like it too. I’m sure you like doing sport!
So today we are going to speak about sport.
Well, I’d like you to remember some of the names of different types of sports.
- So what’s that? (showing the ball)
- It’s a ball.
- I’ll pass you the ball around and you should say what’s your favourite sport or what activities do you do?
- As for me, my favourite sport is volleyball and I like jogging. (student’s answers)
Teacher: And what do you think? Doing sport is harmful or healthy for our health? Of course it’s healthy! So the theme of our lesson is “Doing sport is a healthy habit”

  • Введениецелейурока.
    Teacher: Look at this picture. What do you see?
    Students: Podium.
    Teacher: That’s right! It’s your progress podium. You’ll see the personal progress podiums on your desks. Take the pen and write your names. And today, during the lesson we will go up, up, up the podium and you can see your progress.

  1. And now I’d like you to guess what will we do during the lesson. You have the papers on your desks. We should match the pictures with the actions. Let’s do it by one by. So at the lesson we will:
    - speak English – picture
    - Listen - picture
    - learn smth new – picture
    - write – picture

  • Can you read aloud the steps of our lesson?!

  1. Повторение и закрепление лексики потеме.

Teacher: Look at the pictures. What do you see here?
Students: It’s the types of the sport. We see individual and team sport.
Teacher: And we see the outdoor and indoor sports. Can you explain these types of sport?
Students: Yeah, Outdoor sport is when you do some exercises in the street, outside, may be in the wood, f.ex. cycling; and indoor sport is when you do some exercises inside a building.
Teacher: Perfect! So let’s do the task. (Pupils do the task in groups) Look at your progress podium. If you haven’t any mistakes or you have 2 go up the 3rd step.
Teacher:Excellent! Now we are going to listen and to watch to some teenagers. They are talking about sport.And try to answer the questions in your papers. Then let’s exchange your papers, take the markers and check your tasks.

  1. Who hates team sports? (Kieran)

  2. Who does sport 2 or 3 times a week?(Amelia)

  3. Who prefers to use the free time for sport, except watching TV or sitting around and chatting online? (George)

  4. Who hates doing sport outside when it’s cold? (Molly)

  5. Who chooses exercising with a friend? (Amelia)

Teacher: Great! Again look at your progress podium. If you can answer all of the questions, you may go up the 2nd step.

  1. Физкультминутка

Let’s relax! And have a rest!

  1. Говорение и чтение на основе усвоенной темы.

Teacher: Well, guys, here’s some trainers or coaches from different clubs. They come here to announce about their clubs. Who would like to be a fitness trainer? OK, you are welcome! Liza will be the fitness trainer and you will be the persons or guests who interested in fitness. (hand out the prepared questions and answers)
First Liza will present her as a fitness trainer and then you will ask her some questions.
For example:
1) Hello, dear guests! My name is Liza Green. I’m the fitness trainer from the Green’s Fitness Club. If you want to be flexible, control your body, you should come us! Ask questions.
Where does the club meet? – Of course, it will be in the local gym.
When does the club meet? – On Tuesday and on Friday at 6 pm.
What do they do in the club? – We learn to exercise, mostly on machines.
How do you get more information about the club? – Call Peter or Alice or visit website.
Teacher: Liza, I’d like you to choose the next trainer from the second group. Sam will present him as a football coach. And then you will ask him questions!
Hello, dear guests! My name is Sam Brown. I’m the football coach from the Brown’s Football Club. If you want to be strong, tall, fast and play as a professional player, you should come us. Ask questions.
Where does the club meet? – It will be in the sport hall.
When does the club meet? – On Mondays, on Thursdays and on Saturdays at 4 pm.
What do they do in the club? – We learn to improve your stamina.
How do you get more information about the club? - Call George or visit website.
Teacher: Sam, I’d like you to choose the next trainer from the third group. Jack will present him as a swimming coach. And then you will ask him questions!
Hello, dear guests! My name is Jack Jonson. I’m the swimming coach from the Jonson’s Swimming Club. If you want to improve your confidence and goal-setting, you should come us. Ask questions.
Where does the club meet? – It will be in the local swimming pool.
When does the club meet? –Every day at 5 pm.
What do they do in the club? –We learn to keep calm and swim.
How do you get more information about the club? - Call Nick or visit website.
Teacher: Thank you very much! You are professional trainers!
 Which club would you like to join? - (Pupils answers)

  • Создание объявления по теме.

Teacher: How do people know information before coming to any sports club? –Yeah, from the announcement.
Now we will write and create our announcement so that our sports clubs have enough number of visitors.
I’ll give equipment for your announcement and you will stick some pictures and write.
Now you’ll have all the material you need. Use the glue, markers. Read properly the task what you should do. You have some minutes to do this task and then to present it to the class.
You were perfect!

  • Подведение итогов урока.

  1. Самооценкауроку. And now I would like you to go back to your podium of progress. I want you to give yourself the mark and comment it. Liza what’s your mark for the lesson?

  2. Домашнеезадание. And now I want you to give the home task. You have to find some information about unusual type of sport or extreme sport and write the announcement in groups.

Thank you for the lesson!

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