Логотип Магариф уку

Mummy, mom, mama... (Творческий вечер ко дню 8 Марта на английском языке для VIII–XI классов)

Наиля КЭРУЛЫ,учитель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории гимназии-интернат №4 г. КазаниЦели:– создать условия для практического применения языка вне урока;– способствовать развитию тво...

учитель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории гимназии-интернат №4 г. Казани

– создать условия для практического применения языка вне урока;
– способствовать развитию творческого мышления;
– способствовать формированию чувства уважения к женщине-матери.

Оборудование: компьютер, экран, реквизит для сценок, презентации, карточки с утверждениями о матери.
Подготовка детей: перевод сцен из спектакля татарского драматурга Ш.Хусаинова «Белое платье матери» на английский язык; поиск фотографий и подготовка слайд-шоу «Mother`s Features», подготовка сцен, стихов.

Ход мероприятия
На экране заставка с темой творческого вечера.
Teacher. The 8th of March is the International Women’s Day. On this day we congratulate our mothers, grandmothers, sisters. We have one more day when we congratulate our mothers. When does it happen? The last Sunday of November is the Mother’s day in Russia. So we have at least two days a year when you can say kind words or do something good to your mothers.
What words do you associate with the word «mother»? (Беседа сопровождается слайд-шоу «Качество матери».)
Let’s have a look how people in Britain celebrate this day. Some of our students have prepared a dialogue between three people discussing mother’s day. Let’s listen to this dialogue and answer the questions. What things do people buy their mothers in Britain? (Сards and flowers and maybe a little present.) What do children do for their mothers? (Мake things at school.)
Students act out the dialogue.
Student A. Well, you know, years ago
I did what every kid did. I went out and got ripped off by the stationery department buying very expensive cards, and the florist, buying dead flowers. But I’m actually a very new mum myself and I like it .
Student B. If I was a mum, which I’m not yet, but if I was a mum, I would like it as well. My mum is so strange about those kinds of celebrations, she doesn’t like, you know mothers, but she doesn’t like them, she doesn’t encourage sort of, she doesn’t expect anything, she doesn’t really want to…
Student C. Now you see but she might if she… I’m sure. Now you see my mother says ‘I’ve got no time for it at all, it’s American rubbish’, and then, but she’d be furious if there wasn’t a card, if there wasn’t the flowers, there wasn’t the little present, you know, so that’s different, it’s a sort of double standard.
Student A. But it is nice and it’s also nice for the husbands just for a minute to have to go out and buy the card for the child to give the mum to say ‘thank you’.
Student C. I hadn’t thought of it like that, because I haven’t got any kids, but you know…
Student A. Well, it is. And that’s what I’m saying as a new mum. I mean before I was terribly cynical about it, and it is a rip-off, all of these things… yes, yes… are actually kind of rip-offs because we pay more than they are worth. The things that my little girl does, she makes things at playgroup to bring home are much better, I like them.
Teacher. Have a look at children’s pictures and cards to their mothers. Aren’t they lovely?

Просмотр рисунков детей о матери.
Teacher. One of our students has prepared a poem about a mother. The author of this poem tells from the side of an imagined child, who has already died. And the words of what child are appealed to his mother.
Один ученик читает стихотворение о матери. Приложение 1.
Teacher. Now we would like to present a letter written to a mother by one of the students.

Чтение «Письма матери», сопровождаемое слайд-шоу. Данное письмо написано слепым человеком. Три или четыре ученика читают письмо наизусть от имени автора, а и их чтение сопровождается слайд-шоу «A letter to a mother». При подготовке и во время творческого вечера следует обратить внимание на эмоциональность прочтения письма с правильной интонацией и смысловыми ударениями. Приложение 2.
Teacher. I’ll deliver you some statements. Are they true or false in accordance with your relationship with your mother?

Детям предлагается вытянуть карточки с утверждениями, прочитать их вслух и подтвердить, насколько они соответствуют их реальным взаимоотношениям с их мамами.

Приложение 1

Приложение 2

Приложение 3

Приложение 4


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