Логотип Магариф уку

“Two great people”

(Урок английского языка в VI классе)Альфия ШАГАЛИЕВА, учитель английского языка  высшей квалификационной категории Базарно-Матакской гимназии Алькеевского районаВид урока:  урок совершенствования рече...

(Урок английского языка в VI классе)
Альфия ШАГАЛИЕВА, учитель английского языка  высшей квалификационной категории Базарно-Матакской гимназии Алькеевского района
Вид урока:  урок совершенствования речевых навыков.
Форма обучения: фронтальная, работа в парах.
Методы обучения: деятельностный, коллективный диалог.
Цель урока: формирование ключевых языковых компетенций на уроке английского языка.
Задачи урока:
создать условия для отработки навыков и умений в чтении письме, говорении, восприятии речи на слух;
создать условия для развития памяти, внимания, воображения;
содействовать формированию  самостоятельной познавательной деятельности;
содействовать развитию умений осуществлять рефлексивную деятельность;
способствовать развитию культуры взаимоотношений при работе в парах, группах, коллективе;
содействовать формированию патриотических чувств;
содействовать формированию толерантности в отношении к культуре своего и других народов.
Ресурсы: учебники  Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.6 класс; мультимедийный проектор, презентация на тему «Famous writers», отрывок из видеофильма, карточки для повторения лексики.
Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент.

Учитель: Hello! How are you? How are you today? What date is it today? Is anybody absent today? What is the weather like today? Thank you.
Учитель предлагает учащимся определить тему урока (через просмотр видео) и цель.
(Учащиеся дают ответ, что будут говорить об  Уильяме Шекспире и Габдулле Тукае).
Учитель . Yes, that’s all right. The theme of our lesson today is Famous writers of Britain and Tatarstan.
II.Актуализация опорных знаний. Постановка проблемы.
Учитель .
At first let’s remember some facts about Britain and Tatarstan.
(На каждом столе лежат карточки. Учащиеся составляют предложения).
Buckingham Palace
Hyde Park
London Zoo
Suyumbike Tower
Queen Elizabeth II
Gabdulla Tuqai
William Shakespeare
Ok, kids! Well done!
Let’s talk more about two famous writers.
What do you know about William Shakespeare?
When  and where did he live?
What do you know about Gabdulla Tuqai?
Учитель: Two students prepared information about William Shakespeare and Gabdulla Tuqai.
(Выступления учащихся).
III. Первичное усвоение новых знаний.
Today we’ll learn some new facts about William Shakespeare. Open your books on p.143.(Изучающее чтение)

  1. IV. Первичная проверка понимания.

Контроль понимания текста. Упр 19. Стр.145.
Работа в группах.
(1 группа) Talk about famous tatar poet Gabdulla Tuqai. You have learnt about him in tatar language lessons.
Составление рассказа по опорным карточкам.
(2 группа) Talk about William Shakespeare.
Составление рассказа по опорным карточкам.
Учитель: Boys and girls, these are two great people of two great nations. To honour them let’s sing a famous tatar song “Native language”.
Oh, my language, native language, you’re soul and you’re my heart!
Many things I’ve learnt in this life through this language, through my blood
Little baby in his cradle tries to hold his Mammy tight.
I remember how my Granny told me fairy tales at night.
Oh, my language, native language you’re soul and you’re my heart!
From my childhood till the old age you’re the treasure of my heart.
Oh, my language. For the first time in my life I prayed the God:
“Bless my Mother, bless my Father, bless me, save me, oh, my lord.
(Поют «Туган тел» на родном и английском языках.)
Туган тел
И туган тел, и матур тел, әткәм-әнкәмнең теле!
Дөньяда күп нәрсә белдем син туган тел аркылы.
Иң элек бу тел белән әнкәм бишектә көйләгән,
Аннары төннәр буе әбкәм хикәят сөйләгән.
И туган тел! Һәрвакытта ярдәмең берлән синең,
Кечкенәдән аңлашылган шатлыгым, кайгым минем.
И туган тел! Синдә булган иң элек кыйлган догам:
Ярлыкагыл, дип, үзем һәм әткәм-әнкәмне, Ходам!
Учитель: Let’s listen to  one of  of  William Shakespeare’s sonnets. (Сильные ученики подготовили сонеты У.Шекспира)
( чтение сонета № 66)
Tired with all these, for restful death I cry:
As to behold desert a beggar born,
And needy nothing trimmed in jollity,
And purest faith unhappily forsworn,
And gilded honour shamefully misplaced,
And maiden virtue rudely strumpeted,
And right perfection wrongfully disgraced,
And strength by limping sway disabled,
And art made tongue-tied by authority,
And folly (doctor-like) controlling skill,
And simple truth miscalled simplicity,
And captive good attending captain ill:
Tired with all these, from these would I he gone,
Save that, to die, I leave my love alone.

  1. Развитие грамматических навыков.

Упр.26.стр.148. Употребление Complex Object.

  1. VI. Первичное закрепление.

Учитель: Kids,we have learnt some information about two great  poets.
Let’s check ourselves and do a test.

  1. W. Shakespeare was born in ...

  2. April

  3. May

  4. March

  5. August

  6. W. Shakespeare was born in ...

  7. Stratford

  8. London C.


  1. New York

  2. He studied at ...

  3. a university

  4. a grammar school

  5. an artist school

  6. a lyceum

  7. William liked ...

  8. business

  9. to study

  10. to work

  11. to watch actors

  12. His father was a ...

  13. shoe-maker

  14. glove-maker

  15. dress-maker

  16. house-maker

  17. Shakespeare went to ... at the age of 21.

  18. London

  19. Stratford

  20. Cardiff

  21. New York

  22. He wrote ...

  23. tragedies, novels, historical plays, poems and sonnets

  24. tragedies and comedies

  25. tragedies, comedies, historical plays, poems and sonnets

  26. tragedies, poems, novels

  27. His theatre was called ...

  28. «Earth»

  29. «Globe»

  30. «World»

  31. «Map»

  32. Shakespeare died in ...

  33. Stratford

  34. London

  35. Cardiff

  36. New York

  37. Shakespeare died in ...

  38. April

  39. May

  40. March

  41. August

Ответы:1. A, 2. A, 3. B, 4. B, 5. B, 6. A, 7. C, 8. B, 9. A, 10. A.

  1. When was G.Tukai born?

а)  1945
б) 1886
в) 1913
г) 1906

  1. The name of his native village ?

а) Sasna
г) Кushlawych

  1.  What was his nickname in the childhood?

а) Аpush
б) Chapai
в) Кyliy

  1. In what his work did he write about his village’s beauty?

a)”Su anasy”
г)”Isemde kalgannar”

  1. Where did Gabdulla begin schooling?

а) Кushlawych
б) Кyrlai
в) Uchile

  1. When did he die?

в) 1945
6.When was written “Native language”
а) 1909
Обсуждение итогов теста. Работа с сигнальными карточками.
VII.Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению.
Your home task will be to prepare a project  about Gabdulla Tukai and William Shakespeare.
VIII. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов урока.
Учащиеся высказывают свое мнение, что нового узнали о двух великих писателях.
Информация о Уильяме Шекспире.
Источник:   http://www.interactive-english.ru/topiki/551-/
Early years
William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright and actor. He was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. His father, John Shakespeare, was a successful artisan. William was the third child in the family. His parents had eight children in total. William Shakespeare went to Stratford grammar school.
In 1582 Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, who was the daughter of the local landowner. At that time Shakespeare was 18 years old and Anne was 8 years older than him. In 1583 Anne gave birth to their daughter Susanna. In 1585 the couple had twins – son Hamnet and daughter Judith. Unfortunately, Hamnet, the only son of William Shakespeare, died at the age of 11.
Life in London
Later Shakespeare moved to London. He lived and worked in this city for many years. During that time Shakespeare wrote most of his plays and became a successful playwright. His troupe was among the leading playing companies in London.
In 1599 a theatre was built on the south bank of the River Thames. It was named the Globe. This was the theatre where Shakespeare's company performed. Work at the theatre made Shakespeare a wealthy person. He was not only a playwright, he also took part in theatrical performances.
Later years
Several years before his death Shakespeare moved to Stratford. He died on 23 April 1616. Some research shows that at the end of his life he was in poor health.
Shakespeare’s works
Among his works there are such masterpieces of the world literature as "Romeo and Juliet", "A midsummer night's dream", "Othello", "King Lear", "Hamlet" and many others. Apart from that Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets.
William Shakespeare's influence extends from theatre and literature to present-day movies, Western philosophy, and the English language itself.
Gabdulla Tuqay.
Gabdulla Tuqay was born on April 26, 1886 in the village Kushlavych.
When Gabdulla was about five months old, he lost his father. Later, the mother left the child to be brought up for the poor old woman, and then - took it back, but soon died and at the age of four Gabdulla became a round orphan. His stepfather gave him to the family of his grandfather Zinnatuly. The boy sends his grandfather Zinnatulla with a familiar coachman to Kazan where G. Tukay is in the foster family, where he spent about 2 years. His adoptive parents fell ill and had to return Gabdulla to Uchili. In 1892-1895 the life of G. Tuqay passes in the family of the peasant Sagdi in the village of Kyrlay, not far from Kushlagovich.
Later, Gabdulla's childhood continued in the city of Uralsk. He studied at the madrasah. He is fond of the poetry of Pushkin and Lermontov. At the beginning of 1907 Tukay left madrasah "Mutigiya" (Tukhvatullin). His "free life" begins.
In the fall of 1907, Tukay came to Kazan. Despite a sharp deterioration in health, in 1911-1912, he travels.
On April 2, 1913, Gabdulla Tukay died.
Gabdulla Tukay was buried in the Tatar cemetery of the Novo-Tatar settlement (Kazan).

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